We will inspect everything we would in a standard home inspection but also keeping a keen eye for anything cosmetically incorrect and/or items which appear they may fail in the near future.
Trusted. Thorough. Reliable.
Have you ever purchased anything from a retail store and 3 days later it falls apart or you simply don’t like how it feels on your skin. Whatever the reason is you have a course of action to respond. We imagine you moving into a new house and you find there is leaky plumbing, the roof was improperly installed or the crawlspace has rats. Well there is little if any recourse to return your house. What we do at Key Inspection Services and have done for over 20 years and 22000+ clients is give them peace of mind to ensure their significant investment is protected. Often times this is your life savings.
We will inspect everything we would in a standard home inspection but also keeping a keen eye for anything cosmetically incorrect and/or items which appear they may fail in the near future. We are not code inspectors or experts on every single component in your home but we are highly trained generalist home inspectors that will climb on your roof (if accessible & safe), crawl your crawlspace, inspect your attic and all of the systems in between.
We’ll document our concerns with photos and verbiage to ensure all concerns found are easily to locate.