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Prepare Your Laundry Room for Inspection

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When you’re preparing your home for an inspection, you might not immediately think of the laundry room as an area that needs preparation. However, the inspector will be planning to make an important stop in this area, especially if your prospective buyer is getting your washer and dryer along with the house.

The inspector will be primarily looking at plumbing and electrical issues in your laundry room. He will ensure that there is no exposed electrical wiring and that GFCI works properly. He will also inspect the dryer vent to ensure that it is in good condition and vents properly to the outside.

From a plumbing perspective, the inspector will ensure that there are no leaks, that drains work properly and that there is a working hot water shutoff valve. If the prospective buyer is purchasing your washer and dryer with the house, he may also ensure that both are in good working order.

If you have a laundry sink in your laundry room, you can expect the same faucet and drain inspections as performed in your kitchen and bath.

Finally, if you have a gas dryer, the inspector will ensure that there is a properly working shutoff valve. If there is a gas line that is not being used, it should be capped.

Ensure that the laundry area is clutter free on inspection day, and that the inspector can get behind the washer and dryer to inspect water hoses and dryer vents.

Next week, we’ll talk about ensuring that your garage is ready for inspection.

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