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The Big Deal About House Wrap

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When you’re building a new home, yo\’re likely looking to save money in every way possible. But, don’t make the mistake of trying to save money by foregoing the house wrap on your home. What saves you a little now may cost you a bundle in the future.

House wrap is a perfect way to prevent moisture intrusion in your home. When moisture gets trapped within studs or cavity walls, mold and rot can set in. This moisture will also cause your insulation to lose its R-value, meaning that you’re no longer getting proper benefit from the installation you’ve installed.

Mold and rot are two of the most costly and dangerous problems you can have in your home. The cost of using house wrap is far less expensive than the cost to repair rotted boards or mitigate mold. And, because the mold and rot that you may suffer because of failure to use house wrap will happen in unseen spots in your home, so you may not know that they exist until lots of damage is done.

So, talk to your builder about house wrap. He may be able to help you find other ways for you to lower your building costs, and he may be able to help you find a great deal on the wrap itself. But, regardless, this is not an area where you want to pinch pennies.

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