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Question Number 2 What is the Home Inspection Process?

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We\’ve all been told that we need to schedule a home or condo inspection when we sign a contract on a home. But, we may not really know what to expect from the home inspection, so we don\’t know if our inspector has done a thorough job or not.

You should expect your home inspector to check every major system in your home. They will be looking at every area from the roof to the crawlspace. The inspection should take about two to three hours, depending upon the size of the home and the number of systems to be inspected.

Be sure to let your inspector know if there are any major appliances or systems that don\’t go with the sale, so that he doesn\’t take the time to inspect them. For example, if your seller is taking their washer and dryer with them when they move, it shouldn\’t be inspected.

There are four major areas of concern for your inspector. These are:

• Safety Concerns – Unsafe electrical wiring and loose hand railings on stairs are two examples of safety concerns your inspector might raise.

• Structural Concerns – The home inspector will ensure that the home is structurally sound. He\’ll be looking for cracks in the foundation, settling and problems with the roof, among other things.

• Improperly Installed Items – Your inspector will also be looking for shoddy work where installations are concerned. Loose wires and improper plumbing are just two of the areas of concern.

• Systems Nearing the End of Their Lifecycle – The heat may be working great, but if the furnace is twenty years old, you need to know it. Your home inspector will alert you to big-ticket items you\’re likely to have to replace soon.

Your home inspector can offer a lot of value to you as a homebuyer. He will alert you to problems you\’re likely to face after purchase of the home. Give him all the time he needs to properly inspect the house you\’re planning to purchase. If you need a home inspector in the Bellevue area, be sure to give us a call. We\’ll inspect every area of the home and ensure you know what you\’re getting.

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